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New collection arriving April

In conversation with Lucy Ferguson

Lucy Ferguson is a content creator & mother of three, who shares beautifully styled, candid & often humorous glimpses into her family life living in the wilds of Scotland.

&M : What has surprised you most about motherhood or the journey towards it?

It has given me a new perspective on most things, those things I once thought were important are no longer important. If you ever need to learn a lesson, life will present you with a teacher.

&M : What words of wisdom would you give your pre-motherhood self? 

The days are long and the years are short, stop wishing for the weekend and live for that day. Those days you look forward to will still come around without you counting down or wishing those every other day days away.

&M : What has your journey so far taught you that continue to serve you well?

I can’t be all things, all of the time and that’s ok. The kids don’t judge they love and need you. 

&M : What are your future dreams and ambitions outside/alongside motherhood?

To work on delivering better quality content, learn how to shoot and edit film to capture our family moments and to work on myself physically & mentally.

&M : What inspires you? 

People. Sitting watching the world go by can be comforting and without doubt I’ll have a smile on my face, not in a creepy way but just seeing others react, their facials, how they conduct themselves there is just something warm about it. Everyone has something they can share that would be new to someone else and I love that. 

&M : Describe your perfect day

Wondering around a city in the sun, soaking up all the food and sights and finishing off with a few glasses of Rosé on the terrace. 

&M : Three words that capture your motherhood journey so far are ......? 

Testing, pandemonium & rewarding 

&M : Can you complete the sentence ..What I love most about myself is ...... 

This is a difficult one to answer. I’ve always found it hard to find something. Perhaps my honesty, what you see is what you get - no smoke no mirrors just me.

You can follow Lucy on Instagram @Lc_sunshine 

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